How to Make Flossing a Regular Habit

How to Make Flossing a Regular Habit

You probably already have a list of New Year’s resolutions: spend less. Save more. Read. Hit the gym.

Is flossing on your list?

Experts say only 8 percent of people actually keep their resolutions. The trick is to strive for a realistic goal; a small, incremental life change that can impact your life in the long run.

Flossing is just the thing. Though it takes just a few minutes each day, over time it can prevent cavities and gum disease. Here’s how to get started:
Remind Yourself – However You Need to
That might look like sticking a blank post-it to your mirror, or even setting an alarm on your smartphone. Humans are creatures of habit, but we only create habits if we remember to constantly repeat an activity.
Start Small
Of course, we want you to floss every day, but overshooting your goal can make it harder to hit. If you don’t floss at all, try once a week, at first. Slowly build up to once a day. You may end up liking, or even craving, the feeling.
Make it Easy
New Year’s resolutions stick when you reinforce your willpower. If not, you might start strong right away, but slowly let the resolution go. When it comes to flossing, do this by making floss accessible: whether that’s in your work bag or your bathroom. You’re less likely to floss if you can’t find it.

You may also want to think about non-traditional flossers if traditional floss isn’t your thing. Flossing sticks can be much more comfortable, and you can even use them one-handed.

Flossing as a New Year’s resolution can be easier than you think. Stick to these tips, and you’ll feel accomplished at the end of 2018, with cleaner teeth as an added bonus.

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