Why Your Dentist Should Be Your Best Friend

Why Your Dentist Should Be Your Best Friend

We all have that one friend that we can go months without seeing, but when we get together, we pick up right where we left off.

They understand us, they’re willing to listen, and they effortlessly put us at ease. We want to be that friend. Did you know a fear of dentists actually has a name? It’s called odontophobia and nearly 75% of adults experience some form of it. If you fall into that 75%, we hear you, but we want to change that! So, give us a chance to show you why we’re better off best friends.

We’re Really Great Listeners

Our team at Medical Arts Dental strives to give you the best, most personalized service you’ve ever received from a dental team. We’ll conduct a thorough exam and listen to all of your concerns. And there’s no such thing as a silly question, so please, ask away!

We’re Not Clingy

We only want to hang out twice a year (although if you want to visit us more, we won’t say no!) Oral hygiene is extremely important for a healthy, happy life, but the good news is most people only require a visit every 6 months, so no clingy best friend here.

We’re Super Duper Clean

Do you have messy friends who always seem to be leaving a trail of junk everywhere they go? Maybe an old roommate who always left their dishes in the sink? That’s definitely not us! We’re clean freaks and only use safe, sterile tools. That means a safer, happier visit when you come by.

We’re Not Just Dentists

Sure, your teeth are our first priority, but we also want to hear about your family, your hobbies, and everything that makes you, you. If you see us around the community, walking our dogs or playing in the park with our families, please stop and say hello.

Speaking of Community…

We love ours and try to stay as involved as possible. If there’s a cause you care about and think we should care about, too, please let us know. We’d love to check it out.If you’re nervous about visiting Medical Arts Dental, we completely understand. But we’d like to think of it like the start of a brand new friendship. We hope you’ll come hang out with us soon.