The Best Foods for a Whiter Smile

The Best Foods for a Whiter Smile

Red wine, coffee, tea—some of our most beloved drinks are notorious for staining our teeth. So how can we combat these stain-causing drinks? Try these 8 foods already in your house for a naturally whiter smile.

With high levels of malic acid, these juicy fruits increase saliva production, which is your body’s natural way of washing away bacteria that may cause discoloration.

2) Pineapple
In addition to tons of vitamins and high water content, pineapple is one of the only natural sources of bromelain, a collection of enzymes that works to break down proteins. In the mouth, this translates to serious stain removal. One study compared a toothpaste containing bromelain versus an average toothpaste from the grocery store shelves. The bromelain toothpaste proved significantly better at whitening teeth, so bring out that pineapple on a regular basis !

3) Broccoli & Cauliflower
Fibrous, coarse veggies take serious chewing. They not only uses more saliva but act as mini-scrubbers for your teeth. As a bonus, the iron in broccoli can add a level of protection from harmful bacteria in the mouth.

4) Hard Cheeses

5) Seeds and Nuts
Similar to broccoli, the abrasive texture of nuts can help get rid of staining. Plus, almonds contain calcium, while the omega-3’s in walnuts actually help with calcium absorption in the body.

6) Water
Drink water during meals, between meals, and following those stain-causing drinks we mentioned above. Why? Water washes away residue from drinks and food, keeping them from staining your teeth and keeping food particles from being a haven for bacteria.

Although these foods won’t have as much of an impact as a tooth-whitening program provided by your dentist, they’re good snack choices for your dental health. To really get those pearly whites shining bright, contact Medical Arts Dental to discuss options for professional teeth whitening with beautiful results.